The way you have been trained may not match your inner spiritual values. Join me and learn a spiritual based lifestyle that works.

Anne Earley

The peace that passeth understanding will guard your hearts and minds.....Philippians 4:7

What does inner peace mean to you? Does it mean being free from guilt, fear and worry so you can live a joyful abundant life.

Have you accomplished these goals and are you living them every day of your life? The religious concept of suffering has kept people in bondage for Centuries, Jesus message to the World was “Enjoy your life for the Kingdom of Heaven is Within”.

In school they teach you many things but what they don't teach you is that the wisdom of the universe is within and not outside of you. They help you develop your intellect but there is another part of you that they don't touch on and it is your True Feelings. Your True Feeling is the good, kind, loving sharing part of you that has no limitations.

When you were a child you may have had an imaginary friend that you spoke to and played with but you stopped because you noticed that no one else was doing it. Did you know that that imaginary friend is one of your Guardian Angels.

Anne Earley

Educator & Consultant

In the Inner Peace Movement we give you tools and techniques to balance your Intellect and feeling nature and help you re-connect with your Angels who have been silently watching over you, loving you and patiently waiting for you to re-connect with them so they can help you be more successful.

I invite you to spend a little time here on this website to explore what we have to offer, this program is not for everyone but it might be for you. You cannot join IPM, you simply take the tools and techniques, use them and pass them on to others.

Professional Workshops

Fun group activities that encourage clear communication through the use of interactive techniques

Spiritual Consultations

Understand your spiritual nature and experience the reality of the soul by expanding your inner freedom

Free Lesson

Access key insights to cultivate more meaning, understanding and fulfillment in your life.

Be Informed - Blog Articles

Anne has crafted a series of articles that will share with you important insights for a spiritual lifestyle.

Watch New Spiritual Horizons

Watch an inspiring video about our community programs and people who have participated.

Presenting New Spiritual Horizons
Community Programs

New Spiritual Horizons community classes and consultations will help you find answers you wished you had found earlier in your life.

Our core methods help you gain a deeper awareness of

  • Experiencing a life transition
  • Health crisis
  • Major life decision
  • Desire for change
  • Creative roadblock
  • Tired from stress
  • Desire to tap into that “something more” in your life direction

Meet other like-minded people and spiritual mentors who appreciate where you are coming from.